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My Prices and Fees

Quite simply I thought I would note down my Prices and Fees. People have been asking me recently about sizes and relative prices. It is very difficult to commission an Artist to accomplish a job or task if the price is not clear. So here we go. Each artwork size is individually priced, apart from the custom artworks. Which are negotiated with the client.


Faringdon_rd_village copy.jpg

A4 size 297mm x 210mm

This piece of artwork was commissioned

for an exhibition inclusion. It formed part of a collage.

It is drawn in graphite pencil on white cartridge paper.


Sealed and signed.


Price £100.


All small paper artworks are dispatched

using secure cardboard tubes.


A3 size 297mm x 420mm

This piece of artwork was commissioned

for a holiday visit to Clovelly in Devon. A lovely momento of a great visit.

Drawn in pencil on white cartridge paper.


Sealed and signed.



Price £150.


A2 size 594mm x 420mm

This piece of artwork was commissioned

for a special person who gave me a detailed small photo of 'Binker' the Jack Russel Terrier. A much loved mutt.


Signed and sealed.



Price £200


A2 size 594mm x 420mm

This painting was commissioned by my daughter, Amber. It is of my Granddaughter Ava-May. A very special project for me to commemorate her 4th Birthday. Sketches were made and I painted the picture in my studio. Using oil on canvas. The style is quite loose to reflect the age of the subject.


'I just need a decent photo to complete a painting like this.'


Unframed and signed.




Price £300


A1 size Custom size 594mm x 851mm

I am using this painting as an example of a picture painted for a client who truly wanted something special for his Boardroom.

It is a large canvas painted with oils. It took a week to complete and was exhibited in Bath.

The daisies were fresh so I had to complete fast, before they keeled over. Painted from life.


Any painting is considered and any subject matter.

Unframed and signed.



Price £600

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